poetries and prose

Weird, isn’t it?

Sometimes, just a meeting with one person is enough and sometimes, not even hundreds of meetings with someone else can give you that joy, that peace the other one gives you, no matter what.

Weird it is, isn’t it?

poetries and prose

मेरा अंश|pt7

ये जिंदगी के, दिन कितने कम है
कितने हैं खुशियाँ, और कितने गम है
पर इन सब में ही तो तू और मैं ढूँढते “हम” हैं
ये प्यार भी बड़ा पागल सा है,नाराज़ तू है और बेचैन हम हैं।




© (Copyrighted work by Khushbu Luhar ’19.)

poetries and prose

My excerpt pt.5

Maybe in two years

maybe in five

maybe in ten

and sometimes, maybe when you have no years left on stakes

You realise that, not facing the problem only lets the problem have the audacity to look you in the face.

You realise that maybe facing them was a better option and maybe conversating was better than all those concoctions.

There comes a time when you realise that, the things you were running away from aren’t really running away from you. You might leave them far away, but they still exist, some where in some time, hidden from the range of your eyes but never really hiding.

Sometimes, you do. Sometimes, you don’t. Sometimes, you don’t want to.

You see, some people predict the weather and stay home, some people feel the droplets falling onto their skin and run away to find the shelter, some people simply get wet.



© (Copyrighted work by Khushbu Luhar ’18.)

poetries and prose

Don’t give up


Life was there with you

From the very beginning

Even before you saw this world with those little eyes

Even before you learnt how to sit, crawl and walk

Even before the first time you felt sad and cried in vain

Even before someone left you and you heard the sound of your heart break

Even before you failed all the attempts after giving it a several takes

So you see,

Life was and is there for you

Life didn’t let you go when you wanted to let go of it

Life never gave up on you

It’s time, that you too, don’t.



© (Copyrighted work by Khushbu Luhar ’18.)

#poetry, #prose, poetries and prose


There are infinite stars in the sky

Then why am I sad about not seeing them with you by my side?

There is so much beauty in pain

Then why are we separated because of just some strain?

They say, if they love you, they will let you go

Then why are the fairytales so beautiful on the show?

When you said you won’t give up on me

Then why is it my dear, that you left?

If there’s more love in letting go

Then why don’t people fancy death?

All I have read until now seems total hoax to me

As people write what they find comfort in

Because in reality, poetry works as a coax to each.



© (Copyrighted work by Khushbu Luhar ’18.)

poetries and prose

The void

You know you are in trouble

When someone’s absence has your eyes filled with tears the whole time

When everytime you have to smile, it feels like you might start crying

Has that ever happened to you?

If not, you are really lucky


If yes, then I am sorry

I understand how it feels like

How you feel that there’s a void in your chest

Which nothing would be able to fulfil

How you want yourself to detach from the world

In complete isolation

Until that one person comes back


Time passes, as it always does

And you start to fall in love all over again

This time, with the loneliness

And this time, it’s hard

Hard to choose between

The one who wasn’t there when you needed him the most

and the one

Who was always there for you


The choice, is yours

and mine

We will see who wins this time!



© (Copyrighted work by Khushbu Luhar ’18.)